Raag Sohni

Raag Sohni belongs to the Marwa family. Raag Sohni, Puriya, and Marwa can be described as triplets from the same family. All three raags have the same aaroh and avroh but are presented differently. Raag Sohni’s nature is very fickle.

Raag Sohni Introduction

Key Features of Raag Sohni:

  • This is an uttaraang pradhan raag, as the vadi note Dha falls in the higher octave.

  • Rishabh is absent in the aaroh, however, it is used in a specific manner in ascending phrases only in the taar saptak. Therefore this raag is categorized as a Shadav raag.

  • Raag Sohni and Puriya can be quite similar, but Puriya is a poorvang pradhan raag. Sohni is also known by the name Subah ki Puriya.

  • Mood:  Separation and longing

Watch the video for demonstrations of all of the above features. This video also explains the concept of chalan, a key feature of Indian Classical music.


s g M d n su

su n d M g R s

Vadi, Samvadi

d, g

Nyaas Swars

g, d, su

Jati Shadhav
Pakad s n d n d M g, M d n su Ru su n d
Time 4th prahar of the night
Thaat Marwa

Related Topics: Puriya, Marwa